End of the Year

Sat Dec 23 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000

Hey all, Happy (almost) New Year! This year saw a return to BBSing after a short absence, and the subsequent launch of R3TR0/X BBS. On the "life" side of things, I started a new job (at a tech startup - challlenging and fun), watched my son launch his career and prepare for law school in Washington D.C., and my helped daughter apply to colleges. Where did the time go?? Selfishly, I'm hoping she picks a school close to home (California)

I do feel fortunate there weren't any major illnesses or worse in the family this year (2022 was rough, let me tell you) and we've all made it through, optimistic for 2024.

I'm also thankful for the many BBS friends I have made along the way.

OK, now back to BBSing :)
